Evoking a Sign
Evoking a Sign | Perceiving an Image.
Toba Khedoori : Drawn Painting, VfmK: Vienna 2021
ZEICH(N)EN. SETZEN. Bedeutungsgenerierung im Mäandern zwischen Bildern und Begriffen, hg. v. Monika Leisch-Kiesl (Linzer Beiträge zur Kunstwissenschaft und Philosophie 11), transcript: Bielefeld 2020
Evoking a Sign | Perceiving an Image.
Toba Khedoori: Drawn Painting, (c) Monika Leisch-Kiesl, 2018
Zeichen Setzen. organized by the Faculty of Philosophy and Art History (KU Linz), the Department of Cultural Studies (University of Art and Design Linz) and the IDA – Institute of Dance Arts (ABPU Linz), June 8th–10th 2017
Evoking a Sign | Bildwahrnehmung.
Toba Khedoori: Gezeichnete Malerei, VfmK: Wien 2016
Making Marks / Evoking Signs_KU Linz
The transdisciplinary research focus ‹Making Marks / Evoking Signs› is situated in the space between artistic praxis and theoretical reflection. We investigate aspects of meaning generated within the ongoing flow of signs, the little moments in-between. Our aim is to produce a theoretical foundation of the terms ‹mark› and ‹sign› as well as analyses of signs, in both religious contexts, and public space.